Home Node Andaman7 v5, supercharged with AI

Andaman7 v5, supercharged with AI

22.03.2024 by Lio Naveau

Lucie Keunen - Product Owner Andaman7


Written by Lucie Keunen

Product Owner Andaman7


Android 5.0 - iOS 5.0

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Andaman7 v5 now features advanced AI capabilities designed to offer you deeper insights and a better understanding of your health record documents.

Simplification - Andaman7 AI streamlines complex medical information, converting medical jargon into text easier to understand.

Summarization - AI-powered summarization extracts the key insights from your health documents, allowing you to quickly grasp the content of lengthy reports.

Translation - Translate documents from one language to another, ensuring health information is always accessible and understood, regardless of the document's original language or the reader's language.

All of these features also work on photos and scans of documents! So even if you only have a paper version of your document, take a picture, store it in Andaman7 and our AI will extract the information from the picture!


Why is this important?

Granting patients access to their medical data already marks a significant advancement. Assisting them in understanding the content of their health records, particularly when unfamiliar with the healthcare sector, represents the next significant stride towards empowering patients to become actors of their own health.

Andaman7's dedication to innovation and patient empowerment makes health data more accessible and actionable than ever before.

How does it work?

Andaman7 AI processing undergoes several steps to provide you with simplification, summarization, or translation results.

First, it extracts the text from your document. This means the app is able to work with many document formats, even just photos or scans of paper reports!

Subsequently, the extracted text is passed to the AI engine, which processes it to deliver the requested results.

See our demo video


Where can we see it?

In the services tab of your app, look for the service “Enable Andaman7 AI”. To use AI on your documents, click on the button “Activate AI features”. It will make the AI features available under every document in your app.

Your documents are available in the “documents” section of your health record. If it is empty, you can import some manually, or import them from your hospital if it is part of Andaman7’s list of compatible hospitals (check the “Import my data from my hospitals, payers,...” service).


We support the initiative by Dave Debronkart and Grace Cordovano, both patient advocates like our CEO Vincent Keunen (see his blog): Dave’s article and his new Hashtag: #PatientsUseAI! Using AI for healthcare is groundbreaking for patients, providing access to medical info, more autonomy and improved communication with providers.

Take a look at our AI roadmap to know what is in the pipe.


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