Andaman7 is a digital and multi-pathology health platform that offers solutions for healthcare stakeholders in the broadest sense: research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, hospitals, doctors, medical laboratories, patient associations and health professionals.
With Janssen France, Andaman7 developed a solution to ease the data collection process for both patients and researchers, as part of a quality of life study.
Results from quality of life studies are generally very irrelevant in terms of outcomes. Patients often don’t understand how they benefit from participation in quality of life studies. The questionnaires are usually long and difficult to complete. For example, when a patient is asked how many migraines he/she has had over the last 3 months, it is unlikely that he/she will actually remember them and be able to provide correct information.
Two problems arise for this type of clinical study: poor quality of the data collected and high drop-out rates among patients. On top of that, quality of life studies must be conducted over long periods of time in order to extract convincing results.
The questionnaires are also usually submitted in paper form, which makes the task even more difficult for patients and also requires costly data entry by study coordinators, with an increased risk of errors.
The Challenge
The challenge for Andaman7 is to make capturing of this data much more pleasant for patients and reduce the patient drop-out rate while increasing the quality of data collected.
Our solution
The Andaman7 health record mobile app is a simple and easy to use way for patients to collect data about their health. Andaman7 is connected to a large number of connected devices such as glucose and blood pressure monitors. By replacing a large number of questions related to a patient’s quality of life with data from connected devices, we can ease the patient and research site data entry burden. For example: physical activity, number of hours of sleep, and other data elements are captured automatically. This reduces the number of questions and drop out rate while increasing the data quality.
Since Andaman7 is on the patient’s smartphone they can easily complete the data entry at any time from any location.
We also provide patients with a widget of the study on their smartphone or tablet (rather than having to go through the Andaman7 app). This makes entering of certain information, such as the occurrence of pain, even faster. The information is recorded with only a few quick taps on the screen.