Home News HIMSS Days - The aftermath

HIMSS Days - The aftermath

30.03.2017 by Jeremy Bachelet

HIMSS Day à Liège - Conférence Andaman7

For those who don't know about this US-based initiative (established in Europe since 2007), HIMSS (Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society) is an American not-for-profit organization dedicated to improving health care in quality, safety, cost-effectiveness, and access through the best use of information technology and management systems. Well, this is a mission statement we can really relate to!

For the first time, HIMSS co-organizes (in partnership with the University Hospital CHU-Liege and the University of Liege) a conference in Liege, Belgium – our hometown! The main theme of the event will be the CCMM model (Continuity of Care Maturity Model) developped by HIMSS and known as a solid model in the field of e-health.

Andaman7 at HIMSS Days in Liege 28 & 29 March 2017 Andaman7 at HIMSS Days in Liege 28 & 29 March 2017

We attended that very special event to meet e-health specialists from all over Europe and exchange our ideas about the evolution of health thanks to innovative technologies.

You can find below a short summary of our participation to this important event:

Andaman7 at HIMSS Days in Liege 28 & 29 March 2017 Andaman7 at HIMSS Days in Liege 28 & 29 March 2017

The first HIMSS Days in Liege were in fact two intensive days filled with interesting conferences on the "Continuity of Care" theme, of meetups with Europe's medical IT specialists and hospital managers.

A truly successful event organized by our partner, the University Hospital from Liège, and by the HIMSS organization. Lots of good insights on many subjects such as:

  • Data security,
  • Integrated health care system,
  • Interoperability,
  • The place of the patients in the transformation of medical data management,
  • ... & Many more!

A summary (in French) of the event through some key figures is also available here(Source: HIMSS)



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