Home News #beHealth Hackathon : Andaman7 among the prizewinners

#beHealth Hackathon : Andaman7 among the prizewinners

23.02.2018 by Gaël Matendo

A few weeks ago, the beHealth Hackathon was held in Brussels.

Andaman7 took part in beHealth Hackathon 2017

The purpose of this event was to bring out solutions to improve health care thanks to digital solutions. Andaman7 and its partner, Awell, were rewarded.

The beHealth Hackathon brought together participants (doctors, nurses, developers, designers, ...) who presented their digital solutions to improve the continuity of care in front of a judging panel. They had 42 hours to develop and convince. During this initiative from the cluster Lifetech.brussels, Mutualités Libres and Partenamut, four specific prizes were attributed, one of which concerned Andaman7.

#beHealth Hackathon 2017 : Andaman7 among the prizewinnersThe prize for the best patient-oriented solution was awarded to the Posas project on the topic of "How to improve the treatment of burns scars?". Andaman7 contributed to this project (now renamed "ScarPath") which aims to help monitoring of burns scars remotely.

Eleven thousand patients suffer from severe burns injuries every year in Belgium and the resulting scars keeps changing for two years. However, an effective monitoring can reduce its negative effects. Currently, this follow-up is done through a paper questionnaire. As part of the beHealth Hackathon, the combination of the expertise of the "Centre Oscare" at the Antwerp University Hospital in the medical field, Awell (solution for carepathways management in hospitals) and Andaman7 have developed a digital solution for the follow-up of these scars. “The mix of ideas and speakers was very enriching. We have been challenged in our reflections and we came up with a concrete project that will soon see the light of day" explains Philippe Lemmens, COO of Andaman7.

The winning teams will be supported to start their activities. A team will also receive a prize of 10,000 euros from the King Baudouin Foundation as soon as the start-up is created.

Three other prizes of 6,000 euros will be awarded by Reflexion Medical Network (RMN) to help the winners in their communication and marketing.

Follow the sorty of ScarPath



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