Andaman7 is a digital and multi-pathology health platform that offers solutions for healthcare stakeholders in the broadest sense: research institutions, pharmaceutical companies, medical device manufacturers, hospitals, doctors, medical laboratories, patient associations and health professionals.
Enabling a hospital to perform remote care monitoring, so that it can save time and improve patient follow-up. In this example, we were asked to find a way to follow patients remotely by closely monitoring the blood coagulation rate.
The Challenge
The challenge stems from the need for greater collaboration and communication between hospitals and patients. The hospital wants two way data exchange with patients. They want to send them care instructions and receive blood coagulation data.
Our solution
The Andaman7 health record mobile app enables secure two-way data exchange with data collection from many sources: manual entry, connected devices, hospitals, labs, etc. Health data can be presented in many different formats: text, documents, images, videos, etc. The patient has access to all the information related to his or her illness in a specific section of the app which is dedicated to the hospital.
This allows the hospital to offer remote monitoring at a low cost and to better satisfy patients without overloading the nursing staff.