Hospitals & Care facilities


Hospitals & Care facilities

Easily exchange information with patients!

Send EHR data to patients and collect outcomes, questionnaires or wearables data from them. Get cost effective solutions for remote care and continuity of care thanks to our advanced health IT software digital platform. Join the hundreds of hospitals already connected to Andaman7. Contact us


Hospitals Icons

About Andaman7

About Andaman7

The first complete health record that helps measure outcomes

Andaman7 is the first solution to support all three actors in their battle for better healthcare: patients, care providers and researchers. We built the platform to help manage diseases, measure outcomes, and to empower patients all over the world.

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App on iOS and Android

App on iOS and Android

Download the Andaman7 mobile app. It’s free!

Andaman7 is a full Personal Health Record (PHR) available on smartphones and tablets (iOS and Android). Free for patients, free for all individual health professionals (doctors, nurses, …).

download Apple IOS download Android


Security & Compliance

Security & Compliance

Privacy is not negotiable

Patients want privacy and you want to be compliant. We strike the perfect balance.

With Andaman7 no health data is stored in a central place (and no cloud-based storage). We have developed a unique peer-to-peer system allowing all actors to exchange data securely. We call this our “HIP - Health Intermediation Platform”. All actors are in strict control of their data and encryption protects it during transfer.


Get connected

Get connected

Easily exchange data with patients

When patients get access to their health records and become real partners in their health, quality of health care increases. It has a positive impact on patients’ health. They feel empowered and happier. It improves care experience and communication with doctors. It leads to increased patient satisfaction and better quality of health data. 

Join the hundreds of hospitals already integrated with Andaman7 to send your patients their health data. It’s easy and quick to become integrated. It’s free and secure to send their EHR data to your patients.

Contact us


Our services

Our services

Health services for hospitals and care facilities

Andaman7 anables remote exchanges between the hospital and its patients. Hospitals today must constantly improve the quality of care provided, while controlling their costs. The hospital can be part of a real "Patient Centric" approach, by giving patients permanent access to their data. Andaman7 goes further, by also promoting remote monitoring of patients, the collection of all kind of useful information such as preoperative questionnaires, Patient Reported Outcomes (PRO) questionnaires measuring the perception of the patient's state of health on his condition, etc.

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What is Andaman7?


What is Andaman7?

Our partners

CHU Liège
Doctor Anytime
Eit Health
Johnson & Johnson JLBAS
Ergo 2.0

White label

White label

Do you need a private label version?

The full Andaman7 platform is also available as a white label / private label / custom branded platform. 

Contact us for more info


Don't hesitate to

Don't hesitate to

Get in touch

Headquarters & EU Office

Rue Wagner 127, 4100 Boncelles, Belgium


US Office

24 Garden Place, Brooklyn, 11201 New York, United States




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Download app on iOS and Android download Apple IOS download Android