


Your health records at your fingertips!

Andaman7 helps you gather and manage your personal health data. We help you reclaim it and make use of it for better care. Andaman7 puts you in control. 

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Patient Icons

Patient Icons

Take control of your health 

Your health record anywhere, anytime

Andaman7 leverages patients' legal right to access their health information and collects health data on their behalf from 300+ hospitals and care facilities in the US. With Andaman7, you can collect data from many different sources: doctors, hospitals, labs, connected devices or manually. Everything is gathered in one place. Your health data is easily accessible when you need it the most. It follows you wherever you go. 

Share your data with the ones you trust

To improve your care, you can share your health record with your Circle of trust: family, doctors, nurses, caregivers, etc. You are in total control: you can decide what you want to share, with whom you share it and if you change your mind, you can easily stop sharing your health data whenever you want. With Andaman7, the only people who have access to your data are the ones you choose. 

Track the data that really matters to you

Add your upcoming visits to prepare your appointments with doctors, take notes when you meet your providers, and track all the information that are important for your health. With Andaman7, you can easily track your vaccinations, list your allergies or family medical history. You can monitor the aspects of your health that are important for you to follow, such as cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, etc. 

Andaman7 is hyper-connected

Andaman7 is hyper-connected

Collect your data easily and for free

We enable patients to act on their right to access and control their health data. Thanks to Andaman7, your health data can be retrieved from hundreds of hospitals and labs in the USA, and stored in a rich, uniform manner on your smartphone.

Get my data from my hospital


Our mobile app

Our mobile app

Always free for individual use

  • Andaman7 is and will always be free, for all individual users (patients, doctors, nurses, ...).
  • Our business model is based on working with healthcare organizations that are improving healthcare through innovation and research. 

Learn more about our ethics


Privacy by default, Security by design

Privacy by default, Security by design

Privacy is not negotiable

We are patients, and as patients, we want to be in full control of our data and privacy. With Andaman7, your health data is only stored on your mobile devices. Andaman7, the company, does not have any access to it. You stay in control of who has access, and if you decide to share your data, you can withdraw your consent at anytime and stop sharing it. We protect your health data during transfer by encrypting it. Andaman7 is fully GDPR and HIPAA compliant.

Learn more



What users are saying

I can now take my family’s medical files with me, everywhere I go (on vacation, for example) and make sure I don’t forget a file when visiting a medical specialist.

G. Valluy

We think we can remember everything but that’s not true, and more importantly, it’s not enough. Andaman7’s synthesized version is nice.

R. Bossuet

I have 3 kids and I manage all of their medical records which are now pretty complete.

Ph. Brugier


Download app on ios & android

Download app on ios & android

You should be able to access all your health information at any time. Now you can.

Download our app to see and manage your health records wherever you need them.

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Our vision

Our vision

Everyone has the right to good health and well-being of himself and of his family

Article 25 of The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Vincent Keunen, Founder & CEO, Andaman7

Read our story


White label

White label

Do you need a private label version?

The full Andaman7 platform is also available as a white label / private label / custom branded platform. 

Contact us for more info


Our partners

CHU Liège
Doctor Anytime
Eit Health
Johnson & Johnson JLBAS
Ergo 2.0

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Download app on iOS and Android download Apple IOS download Android